Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I just returned from Melbourne and at the airport on my way back, I was so in love. I am so in love. With Ber. He is my bestfriend, comforter, encouraging me, loving me, taking such care of me all the time. He is so patient when I'm slow or lazy or senile. He drops everything he's doing (laundry, eating, cooking, studying) and gives me hugs when I stretch my arms asking for them..

He gently challenges me to reflect on my flaws, pray for change and work at it.

Most importantly, I see his child like heart for God. In his own quiet, serene way, he loves God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. He would offer assistance wherever help is needed. Looking back, he is a completely new creation - a changed man in Christ. Gone are his short tempered days, or his defensive, prideful comments and thoughts. Gone are his unloving words and actions. i see every one of the fruits of the spirit in him - self control, patience, love, selflessness. He had displayed mercy on the undeserving and showed love to anyone that comes his way. And amazingly, he seeks comfort from Jesus daily. He believes whole heartedly in the goodness of the Lord, and God's promises to us.

I am so thankful that God has given someone like him to someone like me. I am really really undeserving of such a blessing. If this union is according to your will Lord, help me into someone that could give to Ber as much as he has given others. Give me the strength to bring him comfort and be his faithful wife that brings him joy and ease of mind. Provide me with the wisdom to see his troubles before him, so I may ease his burdens in life.

But Lord, please allow me to continue loving Ber second to You. Let my eyes be focused on you Father always.

posted by bob of sunshine* 3:49 PM

Monday, September 10, 2007

My baptism is coming soon. 30th of September.

Upon much thought, I've decided to ask Ber to accompany me in the water during the baptism. Besides my family, he there knew me best through my struggles and growth. He saw me through many of such ordeals and he helped me out them too.

Furthermore, I thought it would be most symbolic for him to be the witness of my ceremonial proclaimation of Jesus as my first love. Just as God will bear witness when I get married to Ber - my second love:)

posted by bob of sunshine* 9:40 AM

My Story

Betty Li

sweet 21st

in australia

Lost her life, but found it through Jesus Christ:)

Bursting with excitement to spread the love of God to you, you and you!!

Aspiring lawyer, eager to serve God and society

Having lost my way from the Truth before,
I am filled with gratitude and joy, that God my faithful shepherd has found me again.
Words cannot express how magnificent my savior's grace, glory and love is.
He gently lifted me up from my cradle of unrighteousness,
and bought me from sin.
You own me Lord.

You own me because you are my Creator. You own me because you paid for my sins and I own my life to you, Lord...twice.

Dear friends, do not turn away from the Lord, for He is truly the Highway, the answer.
I pray that I will always be loving to you, for the greatest of God's commandments is love.
I pray that my love will shine with Godliness - selfless, unconditional, unwavering and filled with warmth that overflows from the Lord.


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